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16 April 2010

WDTV ThumbGen v0.12.15 released!

Version 0.12.15
Link: Click to download or click "Check for updates" (v0.6+)
Release Notes:

  • Extended filtering to support "without folder.jpg" and "without thumbnail" options
  • Layout of the Results Page was improved by offering all moviesheets related data grouped in the upper part of the screen. Elements can be dragged/dropped over the moviesheet.
  • Moviesheets generator class was refactored for better performance and more flexibility
  • The "Create sheets from metadata" dialog was extended to support creation also of folder.jpg and thumbnail images.
  • The existing metadata files (.tgmd) are treated similarly with the .nfo files. If metadata is present then movieinfo is loaded from there. Theoretically users who generate metadata always can stop generating also .nfo files.
  • For batch creating sheets based on metadata there is now multi-core CPU support (spawn threads to be processed by each core available). There is a switch in Options to turn this feature off (the option is not visible/available on systems with one CPU)
  • Added switch to disable auto refreshing the moviesheet preview. Can be switched on/off from Options or directly using a checkbox under the moviesheet editor. Note: When processing in Automatic mode I recommend letting the option switched on so you can see the preview of the sheet before being generated (there is no performance loss as the sheet is generated only once).
  • If metadata exists and contains movieinfo then this is loaded as default in the MovieInfo control
  • Added full support for importing on-the-fly .nfo files from (all ThumbGen's supported fields are imported)
  • The default built moviesheet (when entering the Results Page) has now all fanarts also autopopulated (if the options for autopopulating backdrops is not switched off in Options)
  • A new moviesheet type is available: the sheet for the parent folder (eg. for C:\movies\Action\2012\2012.avi the parent folder is Action). It can be built independently from the other sheets, is automatically placed in the right folder and its name can be adjusted using Options->Naming conventions. To be used with templates specially designed for folders. This sheet must be generated manually and can be generated at any time as long as you are processing a movie inside that folder.
  • If metadata exists and contains imdbid of the movie then this is also used to locate the movie (same as for .nfo files)
  • The "Create sheets from metadata" dialog was extended to support updating IMDb rating for the generating sheets using the latest rating from IMDb website. All other movieinfo remains untouched (taken from metadata) only for the rating the newest value from IMDb is taken.
  • Extended IMDb info to support Release Date (formatted as
  • Extended IMDb info to support MPAA (available in %MPAA% token)
  • Added automatic mode for processing movies. Identical with the manual mode but each dialog has a predefined action (button) that will be automatically executed when some predefined (settable in Options) timeout expired. The feature allows user at any time to intervene in the process (if movie was not correctly chosen or if the default sheet is not nice) make adjustments and then continue in automatic mode.
  • Added possibility to define on start page a preferred collector for movieinfo. If there is no metadata this info is automatically selected. For the collectors supporting IMDB Id search the movieinfo is extracted automatically and for the ones without IMDB Id search a dialog will be displayed for the user to confirm the movie.
  • Added switch to disable auto populating fanarts (Options/Moviesheet). For the users using only templates without fanarts makes sense to switch the feature off (as it is slow)
  • Added possibility to define on start page a preferred collector for covers/posters. It can be chosen from the selected collectors and when displaying the Results page this one will be first selected (instead of first available cover as before)
  • Added a new dialog "Test template" where any template can be tested. Includes also display of the xml sent to the rendering engine.
  • Added XSL support for templates. If there is a template.xslt (XSL 1.0) file near the template.xml then it gets applied over the xml to be rendered. The XML sent to the rendering engine contains a node with subnodes having name="%sometoken%" and as text the value of the token.
  • Extended support for TVShows/series. A lot of new tokens available (see Templates Documentation) and processing is much faster. Just is supported and it is recommended to process your TVShows separately from the normal movies and to choose as preferred collector for both cover/info during that session.
  • Added possibility to drag-drop over the Moviesheet Editor of an image file from your PC (image will be used as background)
  • In the (IMDb) movie-preselect dialog it is possible to double click the movie to be used.
  • In Options/Moviesheet there is now possible to define priorities for the movieinfo sources: Preferred collector/Metadata/.nfo file/IMDb. The program is trying to use them in the priority order. If information from one source is missing the program attempts to get it from the next source and so on.
  • Extended Plot from IMDb. If possible the Full Summary is retrieved and if not the "short" Plot is returned. The token remains the same %PLOT%
  • Added "I'm done (go to next)" button; should be pressed when user manually did everything he wanted inside Results page and wants an accurate log entry (it does same thing as "Skip movie" but the log marks movie as Done insted of Skip)
  • Added option to autofill IMDb Id for the first movie returned by a collector without IMDb Id support (this way that movie gets access to the Backdrops)
  • Rendering is done at full size for the small sheet preview (same performance as before) but Preview and Generate are not instant (no rendering anymore, just a file copy to target location)
  • Added few more thumbnails sizes
  • Added for EN and ES
  • Backdrops of the same movie (same IMDb Id) are grouped and displayed always together (doesn't matter which collector is selected)
  • Extended autoselecting images to support cover/background/fanart1/2/3 (see Options/Moviesheet)
  • supports multiple languages. In Options/TVShows/Language you can choose the language that should be used (if there is no data retrieved in the selected language then English info is returned by default)
  • Fixed detection of movie when using "Detect movie based on foldername" to support also TVShows (assuming you use the supported format //episode movie file)
  • Improved episodes detection



  1. Wow. thanks!

  2. Looks like it's pretty buggy now. I just tried the same template with same movie info with I used in previous version. The sheet was generated but missing certain Media Info, like Video Format, Resolution, etc. Audio format was generated though. Also, still Chinese font was generated as squares on movie sheet. I guess I'll have to go back to previous version until those issue got fixed. Anyway, this is really a great program. Appreciate your work!

  3. Those issues will never be fixed if you just say it's buggy but you don't offer any hint about what's wrong. I think you understand that Chinese support is not so trivial for me to handle (and it seems I handle it well but the rendering engine not). For the rest of the problems you can send me some sample .nfo or log.txt or something helping me to debug (report them at
