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25 April 2010

ThumbGen v0.12.23 released!

Download v0.12.23 here


  1. Wow, everyday has new version. Amazing. Thanks a lot!

  2. It would be nice if you could have a setting for the size of the jpg (i guess that would be 'quality') since the live mods can't show jpgs which are "too big" - I'm not sure how big is too big.

  3. How do you get this version? The SoftPedia is an older version.

  4. @Hoban: Would be nice if you would go and read the options in Options one-by-one :) One of them (Options/Moviesheet) is called "Limit filesize". U just specify the max file size that u want and that's it. I take care of the quality.

  5. All my releases are available on (you can find there also a LOT of templates).

  6. First up excellent work on the software.
    In selecting artwork it seems after clicking F1/F2/F3 the software "hangs". My guess it's downloading the image, but is it possible to download images after all selections are made and generate is clicked? This way the waiting is once and not for every picture chosen.

  7. When pressing F1..F3 the original (full) image is downloaded locally, right. What you suggest is not possible. Using a faster internet connection should speed up the things (I don't feel any delay when pressing F1..F3).

    Disable "Autorefresh" for the moviesheet preview and do a manual Refresh after you selected all images. Then it is rendered only once. Pressing Generate will be fast as it just takes the manually rendered sheet.

    I guess you problem is related to "Autorefresh" being checked (that means the sheet is generated for any change)

  8. With a previous version (0.12.4) I generated all of my JPGs and ThumbGen showed the cover art (ie. /movies/action/2012/folder.jpg) as icons when selecting files/folders. However after I upgraded to this version they are no longer displayed and the default folder image is displayed instead.

    Also noticed that if I have a folder.jpg file in a parent folder (ie. /movies/action/folder.jpg) that it would be used for all child folders, even if the children had their own folder.jpg file (ie. /movies/action/2012/folder.jpg)

  9. You are right. This is a 'nice' new bug introduced in 0.12.23

    I already fixed the problem (is just a display bug in Select files/folders dialog) and in the next days I hope I can build a new release.
